Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me meet In the right spirit everything which comes to me today.
Help me to approach my work cheerfully and my tasks diligently.
Help me meet disappointments, frustrations, kindnesses and opposition calmly and without irritation.
Help me to meet delay with patience and unreasonable demands with self control.
Help me to accept praise modestly and criticism graciously without losing my temper.
Keep me serene all through today.
If I know there are things which annoy the people with whom I live and work, help me not to do them.
If I know there are things which would please them, help me to go out of my way to please them.
Equip me today, O God with the constant awareness of your presence which will make me do everything as unto you.
Grant that others may see something of the reflection of the master whom I seek to serve.
This I ask because you love me.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Walter Thiessen
daily prayer