
A blog description

I just wrote a description for this blog. What a frustrating process. Blogger only allows 150 characters; actually it's 148, which meant I had to remove the commas. That was not easy for this teacher to let happen. But I kind of had to... so below is my original description.

A blog about Maria; a melding of her mental, emotional, and spiritual journey.

I write to express my feelings, but more than that... I write to process those feelings and what I think, putting the two together. My writing is a melding of the mental and the emotional. When I am speaking, I'm learning and understanding better what I think and sometimes even coming up with brand new ideas. In conversation, as I listen, I'm gaining new information from the emotions, ideas, and experiences of others. My writing is an extension of conversation. Conversation with myself, others, and with God. I'm a believer. I'm a follower of Jesus, the King of Kings. This means that not only does the conversation you read come from me and others in my life, but also the Holy Spirit. My voice in print is a blended outpouring of what I think, what I'm learning from others, and how Jesus is shaping me. It's a bit messy. I originally chose the title 'voice' from John the Baptist's response to who he was in John 1:23 "I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord.'" I am calling from my own wilderness so that I can be made straight. You'll find no judgement here. I post publicly so that if anyone can be comforted or learn something new as I journey through my wilderness, then nothing has been in vain. I post publicly to proclaim what Jesus has done and is doing for me and in me.

Now obviously, that is too long. So, I spent an hour of time that I don't have to reduce it to this;

What I’m thinking, feeling, learning. I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness. Comfort to you from my wilderness, what Jesus has done for me.

I had to remove those commas in the first sentence and the italics don't show up. Ridiculous. This is what you do when you're procrastinating. I'm going to have to move this whole blog to Wordpress and get an actual web-site. Urgh.

I should be packing. Move day is Saturday. I'll be posting an exciting tale of that adventure once I've recovered. I'm moving into a basement suite for the first time in over 25 years with just one of the three children. It's never boring around here. The oldest boy, still has no confirmed place to lay his head. Did I say we move in four days? Yeah.... Jesus knows what he's doing, he rose from the dead in less time. He's got this. I'm just going to keep saying that since my faith is waning.

Later folks. :)

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