
Tips for great sex in your marriage

I wrote these for a couple of young ladies this past year that got married. I don't think its conclusive or even unique, its just my compilation. And... I like sharing this kind of stuff. It's nurse approved and tested out by me as well. LOL

1. Talk about it first. Talk about it after.

What are your expectations? What are his? Don’t put pressure on each other for it to be perfect that first time or that first week or ever really. You’ll figure it out. And it gets better every single time.

2. Serve each other.
Men are always going to come or orgasm. You are going to need to learn what you like and tell him, so you orgasm too. And it doesn’t matter who orgasms first, as long as you both do.
You can’t not talk about sex. Good communication includes communicating about sex.

3. Experiment.
Only with each other. Between you and him, it’s always OK.

4. Don’t fake it.

5. Don’t use sex as a tool to discipline your husband, and don’t listen to anyone who tells you to do so. 

6. Be clean.
Shower before. Shower after. Make this a routine and invest in a hand-held shower head. And I don’t know if you know this, but don’t use soap down there. Rinse with a lot of water. Being clean also means keep that pubic hair under control. Shave it, trim it, shape it; find out what you both like and do that. This applies to him too.

7. Always pee afterwards.
It is part of the cleaning process.

8. Keep a couple of small towels by the bed to clean up any messes.

9. Drink lots of water. Keep a water bottle by the bed (because glasses spill water all over the place when you knock them over). You need to be hydrated for multiple reasons.

10. Take vitamin C and drink cranberry juice. It helps to prevent UTI’s.

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